māwhero / PINK Shirt Day
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
On Friday 16/10/20, the Nauhria group banded together in pink to celebrate our diversity and to share our support in promoting positive social relationships.
Pink Muffins, Pink Shirts and other pink initiatives brightened a celebration of NZ’s Pink shirt day in support of Anti-Bullying, an initiative that compliments one of Nauhria’s core living values of creating a safe and Happy work environment.
Nauhria’s team pooled together to help raise funds in support of NZ’s Pink Shirt Day and in doing so showed their support in saying “Bullying is NOT ok!”
Special thanks to Nauhria Precasts’ ladies for their wonderful spread of pink eats. To the Leadership Team for wearing their pink shirts and most certainly the Ops team for the ingenious pink earrings, pink fingernails and other pink items. It is with this unity and togetherness shared by Nauhria and other supporting companies that will help Build a Great & Safe New Zealand.
#pinkshirtday #antibullying